
68 year old artist living and working in Melbourne Australia.


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May 282011


“Siege” was an installation for the 200 Gertrude Street studio artists Christmas Show. I tried to demonstrate how many artists and art institutions took on a siege mentality. Materials used in the work included 188 cans, a .22 caliber rifle, telephone and learned text about Foucault…




May 262011


This series began in 1994. The sitter would decide on the text and it’s placement etc.

May 132011


I used to set my students an assignment around Anzac Day. This time I decided to take on the challenge myself. I tried to convey the “feel” of this event by restricting the camera I would use to a toy camera, using only one roll of film and photographing only from the car.

All images were taken with a $1.50 toy camera on Ilford FP4 120 film , printed on Argenta paper and Selenium toned.